
A Diversity of Eggs

A Diversity of Eggs

Delightful gifts that a hen gives the family caring for them are delicious eggs with shells of varied sizes, hues, and shapes. Some are speckled. Most are solid color. These gorgeous gems soon transition into tasty and nutritious food. Many flock owners keep several chicken breeds that lay a diversity of shell colors ranging from light to dark brown, blue/green, white, and virtually every shade in between. Some shells are smooth and glossy, while others are more textured. When arranged in an egg carton they are a delight to the eye and a striking contrast to the sameness of supermarket...

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Increasing Shell Strength in Chicken Eggs

Increasing Shell Strength in Chicken Eggs

Weak, thin, or soft chicken eggshells can lead to loss of eggs and income, deformities in chicks, and other difficulties. There are several reasons why shell strength may degrade, and different ways to prevent it to ensure the most productive laying hens. Why Hens Might Lay Weak or Soft Eggs There can be several causes behind weak chicken eggs. While any hen might have an occasional soft egg and infrequent weak eggshells are nothing to be concerned about, if a hen is laying soft eggs regularly or with noticeably increasing frequency, she may be suffering from any of these conditions....

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The Best and Safest Ways to Feed a Horse

The Best and Safest Ways to Feed a Horse

Understanding the basic dietary needs of your equine friend is an essential part of ownership. Horses are foragers, meaning they graze. Meeting this natural characteristic is imperative.• Hay: Hay is commonly the preferred source of forage. A safe calculation is 1 pound of hay to every 100 pounds of a horse’s body weight. Allowing a horse to have access to hay all day helps promote a healthy digestive process.• Best Practice for Feeding: The amount of feed given on a daily basis should be determined by the horse’s size and work load. A normal leisure walking horse might have a...

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Preparing Your Cows For Winter

Preparing Your Cows For Winter

Obviously winter is a vulnerable time for your cows when you really need to pay attention to make sure they are staying healthy. Here are some tips on preparing your herd for winter:Size MattersIf you have cows that are younger or thinner than some of your more mature cows, they are going to need some additional attention when it comes to their feed. Besides the cows that need it for sure, if you start to notice your mature cows losing weight, you may have to supplement their diets with more hay.Beware wet conditionsCows can usually do okay when it’s cold...

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